This Blog is going to tell it like God said, you can pass it on if you like!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Knowing about God
In thinking about God and reading the Bible one must remember that the Old Testament was written to cover a period of about 4,000 years and the New Testament was written over a period of about 100 years. Many people seem to think God came on the “scene” much more in Old Testament times than in the New Testament period. Actually God is always on the “scene”. He never rests! Some think that He got tired from creating the six days and had to rest. He did rest from creation but it was to set-up a Holy Day, not because He was physically tired out.

His power is manifested through the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Nothing ever slips by Him or escapes him. God is the same today, tomorrow, as He was 6,000 years ago, even a million years ago! Shall we say from the beginning of time.

Back in Old Testament times God spoke to his people through his prophets. He spoke in some cases directly to the prophet, and the Holy Spirit directed the prophets. But normally he did not speak directly with the people! There were some exceptions to this of course, because God is sovereign and can do what He wants, the way He wants.

By sending his only begotten Son Jesus, God spoke even more clearly to everybody. Jesus revealed the Father by his words, deeds, attitude, and all that he did. He fulfilled all the prophecy concerning himself that was made hundreds of years before. Over 400 prophecies concerning him and everyone was fulfilled completely and perfectly.

There are more than 140 names and titles applied to Jesus throughout the Bible. The Name “Emmanuel” (interpreted, God with us) Matt.1:23. This is the highest form of revelation God could use to show himself to mankind. Col.1:15 “The image of the Invisible God”. John 1:18 No man has ever seen God, “the only begotten Son…. Hath declared him”!

Too many today want to prove God! Someone has said long ago, and it’s true today; we who are human can never “PROVE” Him who is Divine. In fact proof could be considered the opposite of faith, and in that respect it would be considered as ”our righteousness” or as filthy rags. Isa. 17:22,23

In today’s world with knowledge on the increase Christians and even a few unbelievers, are desiring to touch God, see God, hear God’s voice. But where is our faith? Some would dare to say they would like to challenge God in one area or another. Some would try to bring God down to a level equal to man. This is stupid and very dangerous! Keep God on His Throne and in complete control of all things!

We must try to understand that God is very complex, and that we will not be able to come to a full knowledge concerning Him until we get to Heaven.

Let’s remember God is Spirit, and a Spirit does not have flesh and bones! Lk. 24:39. Also let us understand that there is not, nor has there ever been a Spirit Being like God, and there never will be! He is the first and the Last! John 1:18 “No man has seen God at any time”. In Gen. 32:30, Jacob said, “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved”. Is this a contradiction? NO! A Spirit can not be seen with human eyes! God can do whatever He desires when ever He wants. We know a Spirit Being can take on a human form or appearance. Acts 1:10 Angels appear as men.

God is described in many ways because he is so vast, so mighty, so huge, so incomprehensible. His likeness to man is seen throughout the Bible. The reason for this is so we can relate to Him on our level of understanding. We read in 2 Chron. 16:9 “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth.”

In Isa. 37:17 “Incline thine ear O Lord, and hear.” Exo. 24:10 “And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone.” In Isa 65:2 “I (God) have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people.” God uses other human features to describe himself and how He can deal with us on a supernatural level yet keep it within our ability to understand. God refers to His nostrils in 2 Sam 22:9,16; Psm.28:15. God speaks in many places in Scripture, Exo 3:4 Moses heard God speak. In Isa 30:27,28 speaks about His lips, tongue, and breath. In Deut. 33:12 talks about God’s shoulders.

Well in light of all this does God have hands, feet, eyes, and ears? NO! “A Spirit hath not flesh and bones.” But He has these abilities, but without the flesh! They are His features and the terms used so we humans can relate to Him. God is big enough to be everywhere yet He can see, hear, or even touch the smallest infant on earth regardless of it’s location.

In John 4:23,24 Jesus said, God desires the believer’s worship! Worship in spirit and truth! To worship God in spirit and truth (Real, genuine) means true spiritual worship takes place in the heart, (the seat of the emotions). It most often starts as an invisible response within the believer. The external accessories ( song books, music, and other physical manifestations) to worship are necessary, desirable, and proper.

But let us never forget these “THINGS” only assist us in our worship, of God. God desires worship from believers by way of the spirit and truth. Worship is the response of the invisible human spirit that has been reborn and wants to be involved in the highest order of showing adoration to our Heavenly Father. The most awesome worship experience is when the redeemed spirit of man is energized with the Holy Spirit of God Almighty!

Paul writes, 2 Cor 4:18 That the real things in life are invisible! We look at things that are not seen! These are eternal things! Things that are seen are temporal! God is a spirit, and He can not be seen, unless He wants to be seen; which is within His power! Faith is seeing when natural sight is impossible and God is pleased when we see by faith. Heb. 11:6 John said in 1 John 2:17 “ And the world passeth away and the lust thereof: but He that doeth the Will of God abideth for ever.”

We must not forget that Paul wrote (1 Cor.13:12) a warning saying “We see through a glass darkly” limited vision. Also, “Now I know in part”, knowledge is also limited. Don’t forget Faith is believing the Word even if we can not or do not understand all that it is saying! It is God’s Word to man!

Final thought: It’s not wrong to approach God and say I need your touch, healing, comfort, direction, and let my hand be in your hand, breathe on me O Lord, and many other expressions that we find ourselves using. In His Word He has approved this approach but we must not forget God is spirit! We worship Him in spirit and truth regardless of our feeling or circumstances. He will respond every time! He is always ready to receive your Worship!

Maybe these words will inspire you today. Dave

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